DPF / Snowmass Travel Fellowships

The Division of Particles and Fields is pleased to award travel fellowships to these young scientists, in recognition of their achievements and promise. We congratulate the DPF Fellows and look forward to their participation in Snowmass 2001!


Experimental Students
Brau, Benjamin BBrau@SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Doulas, Steven Doulas@FNAL.Gov
Krutelyov, Vyacheslav krutelyov@softhome.net
Lammers, Sabine Lammers@Mail.DESY.DE
Lipeles, Elliot Lipeles@Caltech.EDU
Potter, Chris Potter@Graviton.Uoregon.EDU
Zeller, Sam-Geralyn Gzeller@FNAL.Gov
Experimental Postdocs
Asner, David Asner1@LLNL.Gov
Bloom, Kenneth KenBloom@Umich.EDU
Hoffman, Kara Kara@HEP.Uchicago.EDU
Knuteson, Bruce Knuteson@FNAL.Gov
Krane, John Jkrane@FNAL.Gov
McDonald, Jeffrey Jemcdon@Pitt.EDU
McKigney, Edward EdwardMcKigney@Hotmail.COM
Soffer, Abner Abi@SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Theory Students
Berger, Carola Carola.Berger@SUNYSB.EDU
Lynch, Kevin KRLynch@BU.EDU
Macesanu, Cosmin MCOS@PAS.Rochester.EDU
Marfatia, Danny Marfatia@Pheno.Physics.Wisc.EDU
Nelson, Brent BDNelson@LBL.Gov
Petriello, Frank FrankP@Stanford.EDU
Pierce, Aaron Apierce@Socrates.Berkeley.EDU
Toharia, Manuel Mtoharia@Physics.UCDAVIS.edu
Theory Postdocs
Balazs, Csaba Balazs@Phys.Hawaii.EDU
Davoudiasl, Hooman Hooman@SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Heinemeyer, Sven Sven.Heinemeyer@BNL.Gov
Kribs, Graham Kribs@Pheno.Physics.Wisc.EDU
Maltoni, Fabio Maltoni@UIUC.EDU
Moortgat-Pick, Gudrid Gudrid@Mail.DESY.DE
Oleari, Carlo oleari@pheno.physics.wisc.edu
Su, Shufang Shufang@Theory.Caltech.EDU
Sullivan, Zack zack@hep.anl.gov